




1 week 

(this project is a work in progress)


Just me   






Initial Research Study on the relationship between queer online experiences.



The entire queer community in the palm of your hand

More and more individuals are turning online looking for romantic and sexual partners.The lack of public spaces have caused many queer individuals to look for alternative methods to find connection. As a result of stigma and general intolerance, queer individuals often turn to platforms like dating apps to find their community instead of in person.



Hearing directly from the users

To better understand the community I conducted:

  • Interviews 

    • 5 cis queer men 

    • 2 cis queer women 

    • 1 trans masc person 

  • Contextual Inquiry 

    • 1 contextual inquiry with the app tinder with a cis gay man 

App Comparison


Timeline and Monthly User comparison

timeline ans usage comparison.png

UI Comparison

app comparison 1.png
app comparison 2.png


Each community has a very different experience.


Cis Gay men and Grindr

It’s important to acknowledge that Grindr is used by a multitude of people of different sexualities and gender expression.

Interview Findings:

  • Users were in general conflicting and frustrated

  • It was a tool to meet friends, dates, and sexual partners

  • Users faced harassment from anonymous strangers which made them feel sad or unsafe

  • Some of the harassment was racist, body shaming, or femme shaming in tone

  • Many users had been cat fished by profiles pretending to be other people

  • Felt as if there was no alternative to having the app

  • People went through cycles of downloading, deleting, and then downloading again

  • A negative tone associated with app


Grindr Journey Map


Cis Queer Women and Apps

Interview Findings:

  • Queer women found the apps to be a positive constructive space

  • enjoyed the conversations

  • experienced little harassment

  • did not see the apps as a necessity

Trans folx and Apps

Interview Findings:

  • Mixed reactions depending on apps

  • found general intolerance at times with people misunderstanding trans identity

  • experience was very different depending on individual

Universal Themes

  • The need for a safe space free of harassment

  • Sex positive oriented apps are need for all segments of the community, not just cis gay men

  • Convenience and ease make apps like Grindr and Tinder more popular

  • A way to reduce ghosting and cat fishing is necessary

  • There needs to be new conventions to allow consistent engagement instead of cycles of binging and purging (delete and download)



Next steps

 Going forward this project is a work in progress

  • Further interviews with trans individuals and queer women to create more conclusive research 

  • Additional contextual inquiry  

Solution Models 

  1. Plugin within existing app like Instagram 

  2. Improving the current apps 

  3. Creation of a different app

    1. General queer app vs specific group


  • Online dating isn't going anywhere 

  • The internet brings out the best and worst in the world 

  • Dating apps should be more concerned about the safety of their users