Redefining marketing campaigns without the agency
The process of designing Veewz, a self-service digital marketing platform for people who looking for execution over strategies
Four week Sprint
Size of Team
Group of three
Explore and create concept for digital marketing platform for client
Researcher, designer and first point of contact with client
What is Veewz?
Our client wants to create a self service marketing platform for small to medium businesses. The user would need to know some aspects about marketing like SEO and SEM. The reason for this being that they would be able to know what specific tactics to use and already have strategy in mind.
Competitive Analysis
The Spectrum of Online SEO Tools and the models is Varied
Building Veewz from scratch meant understanding much of the other tools that exist and there biggest friction points. But different models had vary different factors that drastically shaped both the user and business experience.
Research Findings
We interviewed several marketing professionals on their experience working with clients.
Key Findings:
Few actually understand the nuance of strategy and what tactics would actually be needed.
SEO as a practice and a strategy is dramatically changing
Small/local businesses don’t benefit from SEO as much as they used to
Knowledge of SEO tactics is largely limited to digital marketing experts
There is some distrust for SEO websites and content sites due to poor quality results
Large companies frequently need “extra hands” during big campaigns
User Archetypes
Busy Marketer
Knows a fair amount about SEO, SEM, and SMM
Has a limited amount of time and/or resources
Needs specific tasks fulfilled
Is completely aware of what they need
Curious Entrepreneur
Lacks knowledge about specific SEO tactics
Wants to improve the visibility of their business
Knows there is a problem and or business can be improved
Looks for insight from others
Doesn’t care about complex analytics; primarily concerned about ROI
Synthesizing Data
Journey Mapping
We created a journey map to better understand pain points in the userflow.
Solution Models
Self Service
For the Busy Marketer
Quick - Reliable - Exact
Users picks the tactics from the product list. The freelancer then would provide a quote once receiving additional information
For the Curious Entrepreneur
Easy - Personal - Friendly
User would use the wizard to communicate the goal of their campaign and scope of their company. They would then be matched with a personal package.
Final Screens
Following the end of the sprint I updated to a high fidelity with some modifications
Main Screen
The navigation was made simple and subtle not to overwhelm the user. This brings the users eyes to the much larger copy and options below.
Two Strategies
On the homepage both user archetypes needs are addressed giving people agency to pick the method thats right for them.
Product List
The tactics were broken up into the categories that easily expand.We kept the copy simple to reduce any learning curve of the tool.
Progress Bar
To avoid abandonment of the process we have a progress bar to allow users to know how much they have completed.
No user likes long questionnaires so instead we used a wizard which is less heavy on the eyes and has a more approachable and conversational tone.
Personalized Match
Following the digital consultation using the wizard the user would be given a personalized package catered to their needs.
Brief Upload
To provide further information for the freelancers at Veewz, users can upload documents and data that can aid in the implementation of tactics.
Next Steps
Brand and Testing
Additional Usability testing must be done to see how the flow works for the target user. In addition expansion of content would need to be done. This content could include flushing out the wizard as to make it a more effective tool for pricing.
Business Model
Maintaining the relationship with the site is crucial. We wouldn’t want the client to go straight to the freelancer once they become a customer of Veewz. Therefore it must be a more integral part of the process instead of being a middle man for communication.